ACS asked for uploading payslips to prove employment

Hi Anil,

I have received an email from ACS saying … Missing documents and its being kept on hold for 14 days. I have uploaded all the said documents as per the blog… still I got this email
Now I have payslips, but bank statement I have only for past 5 years… before that I had account with abn amro but that bank is closed and I dont even have provident fund statement for all years.

please guide me what to do next. please find the attached file from acs.

Hi @Vinay_Kumar

You need to understand that it is not ‘missing’ documents.

ACS is asking for additional proof as your employment letters does not look genuine to them. They have a doubt on what you have submitted.

You have to upload the payslips.

You can upload whatever Bank statements you have.

Why don’t you have PF statement? You should have it if your employer was paying it to you.

Hi Anil,

  1. PF statement I have for last 3 companies from 2012 onwards, prior to that there was no concept of UAN and my old PF accounts are not linked to UAN that’s why I am unable to get the statement online. So if they dont consider my old experience I cant get full points as I will fall short of 8 years experience

  2. I have found all of my Bank statements … will this not be sufficient.

  3. Should I notarize these bank statements, payslips and pf statements as well

  4. The docs which I am going to provide now, if they are not sufficient for ACS will they ask for some more documents again or will they finalize my case now itself with whatever proofs I submitted. or else should I submit all of my offer letter, appointment letter, relieving, hike, experience all the docs as previously I have submitted only reference letters stating roles and responsibilities.


Hi Vinay,

Were you able to organize the PF statements prior to 2012 and can you help me with the process to whom I need to reach out to obtain the same? I have contacted my employer and they have asked to raise a grievance with the PF team which I did but no updates so far!
