Birth Certificate, substitutes, NABC for USA Green Card, Australia, Canada PR

Hi Anil ,

I have 2 clarifications -

  1. My Primary DOB , the state is different as compared with passport . As I born in one state( TN) and within 2 months , moved to the current state (Kerala) and have my passport - Place of birth is with the current State (kerala) . I won’t get my Birth Certificate in the current state ( Kerala) . Should i get the birth certificate from Tamil Nadu( TN) , but still passport wil have a difference or in Kerala State - i have ask for No certificate ? What should be my actions ?

  2. My spouse have difference in Birth year ( 1 yr difference) as compared with passport and birth certificate . What can i do now ? if affidavits can be taken means - will that should be in a bond paper ? But here problem is - Birth year for Date of birth certificate is correct . But school certificates ,passport,adhar cards all holds the same year with passport as reference .