In 2022, my spouse H1B from employer A got approved till December 2025. My H4 was also applied together and got approval.
In 2024, my spouse switched job and got the new I797 approval from Employer B until 2027 and H4 was also extended till 2027. My spouses old employer A revoked the I797.
I travelled India and did my stamping now and got the passport. I realized that I incorrectly had my spouses old I797 in the receipt in DS160 and got my visa stamped till December 2025 though that i797 from employer A got already revoked. Can I still
travel with this stamped H4 visa(till december 2025) as I have the new H4 approved till Jan 2027 and my spouse visa also stamped until Jan 2027 ?
Yes, you can travel. Carry the most recent H1B approved i797 copy with you.
Thank you @anil_am22 for your response. Just to clarify that the H4 visa stamped now with I797 that was already revoked. When I lookup that I797 online, it says status as revoked.
As the H4 Visa approved and stamped and I have the new I797 and I539 approved till Jan 2027, I can travel with my latest I539 and spouse latest I797 ?