Can't find old file numbers (passport re-issue)

I have a question about entering old file numbers while filling the passport application.

There’s a question which asks “Have you ever applied for passport, but not issued?”. The answer for me is Yes. I had a childhood passport. My parents applied for its renewal 4 years after its expiry but then application got canceled / lost in bureaucracy because we moved to a different city. If you answer yes on the website, it asks you to enter the file number. I do not have that.

It’s been more than 10 years ago, and I simply cannot find it. Is there a way to find this old file number? I am stuck here and I don’t know who to contact. Please suggest what I should do?

Did you try looking for it on the Indian website? 10 years ago as well the application was created online. You need to use the same ID that was used at the time of creating application.

If it’s not available there, then only offline details can help you.


Unfortunately, the old application was not created online. I will try calling the RPO offices to get the file number.

If I find the file number, am I expected to attach any additional supporting document? (There’s nothing about this in the VFS checklist). Or just entering the file number in my application should be good enough?

I do not think they will ask for any details. Ideally, they should have all the details in their system which they should be able to pull up using File Number.

Do you/your parents remember if a file number was generated or the application itself was rejected before that?

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My parents remember there was a file number that was generated (they are trying to find it in the meanwhile).

Good to know no additional proof will be needed. Thank you for replying and helping me out!

Hi Riya,
I am facing the same problem now. Can I know how did you get the old file number?

Hi @riya_am22

Were you able to figure out the next steps on what to fill in the form regarding file number, date of applying, and name of passport office?

I am facing a similar issue and would really appreciate your help if you were able to move forward.

Thank you!

Were you able to figure out the next steps on what to fill in the form regarding file number, date of applying, and name of passport office?

I am facing a similar issue and would really appreciate your help if you were able to move forward.

Thank you!