Chance if invite 263111 - Computer Network systems engineer 2019 Archive

Thank you very much @Anil.Gupta

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Hi @Shishira_Lithin

If the number of invites are increased in Dec draw, then you can expect invite in either Dec 2019 or Jan 2020.

Hi @Shishira_Lithin

Spouse English test or assessment is mandatory to claim points from November. I thought you have already done it as you confidently said that your points will increase in November.

I suggest to get it done.

Oh ok thanks will update eoi

Hi @Anil.Gupta, I am planning to submit EOI for Computer Network and Systems Engineer 263111 with 75 points. Seeing that the cut off in the last few months was around 85 points is there any hope for an invite with my score or better to consider an alternate route?

Hi @Aspirant

Chances of invite with 75 points look low at this time. After Nov 2019 changes, the chances might go down even further if your points do not increase from 75.

Hi @Anil.Gupta, thanks for your response. So yes after November 2019 changes I am hoping to get an additional 5 points for spouse IELTS (above 6 band).

However yet to get a clarity on STEM qualifications, I have a Bachelors in Technology but from India.

Will I be eligible for additional points based on that? And if yes in your opinion do you think the revised score gives me a reasonable chance to hope for an invite for 189 visa?

Hi @Aspirant

80 points should be good enough to get an invite post November.

Hi Anil,

I am turning 40 in January. Hence will lose 10 points. What is your opinion on the chances of invite on 11 December 2019 round for 189

Anzsco - 263111
85 points (including spouse English for Nov change)

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Hi @pande.kalpu

You have good chance of invite in Dec 2019 draw. You have not mentioned your date of effect and it can affect the invite if you have just filed your application.

Hi Anil,

EOI submitted - July 2018 (65 points)
Updated EOI on January 2019 (70 points)
Updated EOI on November 3, 2019 (80 points)

In this case, what will be the date of effect ? Do I still have a chance to get invite in next month draw? I am very nervous as I will be loosing points after December due to age.

HI @Anil.Gupta,

EOI submitted - 189 AUG 2018 (65 points) | 190 NSW (70 Points)
Auto Updated EOI - 189 JUN 2019 (70 points) | 190 NSW (75 Points) Gained 5 points on my employment.

Iā€™m single will get 10 points extra on 16/11/2019.

When can I expect invitation ?
Thanks in advance

Hi @pande.kalpu

Your date of effect is Nov 3, 2019. The chances are good in Dec draw.

I suggest to read my responses to questions with similar points as it is not possible for me to reply to each one separately when they have similar points.

Yes, Of course i read quite regularly.
But still donā€™t know

Whats your ANZSCO code?

263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

Sid, with 70 points, you are almost never going to get a 189 invite for the foreseeable future unless something changes drastically. And 75 points for 190 also is below par at the moment to get an invite. However, the good news (as you are aware) is that you will get an additional 10 points for your marital status from mid Nov. This could give you a bump into the league to get an invite.

But remember, this +10 points will be applicable to a significant portion of the applicants either by being ā€˜singleā€™ or by doing ā€˜spouse skill assessmentā€™. Hence, there will still be a long waiting list of 80+ points applicants for 189 because it end up bumping the cut off eventually.

However, before the cut off could go further up, you have a chance of getting 190 invite from NSW, my guesstimate would be around Jan-Feb timeframe. Mind you - I am no expert in the area, just sharing my observations.

Good Luck Sid :slight_smile:

Thank you so muchā€¦@Rejeesh_Mathew & @Anil.Gupta.

Hi Anil,

Yesterday DHA cut the the 2019/20 189 quota by further 2000 places. Do you still think that I have chance now in December draw?

@Anil.Gupta what are the chances for 190 Visa with 80 points and 75 points for 189 Visa
When can expect invitation