EOI Doubt for Work related experience

I had renewed my ACS recently. But ACS mentioned the same company twice as below because I was not able to edit the previous one in ACS portal while applying :

Dates: 10/17 - 10/20 - 3 year(s) 3 month(s)
Position: Senior Associate
Employer: XYZ
Country: Outside Of Australia

Dates: 10/20 - 07/21 - 0 year(s) 8 month(s)
Position: Senior Associate
Employer: XYZ
Country: Outside Of Australia

Can we combine this both as together and include in EOI as one experience since there is no gaps in this and it was a same job and ended only on 7/21 or should I mention it as two separate episodes in EOI as mentioned in ACS letter.
Can you please guide me.


I suggest to write as it has been mentioned by ACS. This is because the immigration department relies on ACS assessment when they try to verify what you write in your application.

Ok, So I should divide and mention as 2 different experience in the EOI rite?
I tried contacting ACS and this what they have told for the same query
" . No corrections need to be made on this. The experience for this company is provided by you, the applicant, under two different episode when it was lodged and it is assessed separately per episode based on the documents provided per episode.