H4 Extension After 60day window

Hello All,

I need advice on an H1B and H4 visa renewal issue. My husband got laid off and i am on 59th day of our 60 day window. H1B 1129 is filed and have a receipt by now. Now filing for the H4, the company is going to file/send documents on 59th day. Please could you help is the FedEx acknowledgment receipt enough to stay in USA till approval decision is received. Or what needs to be done if 60day window is crossed, will we become out of status, if so what should be our next steps.

Thank you in advance.

You should be able to stay in US if the USCIS receipt date is within 60 days of grace period.

Usually, the USCIS considers the FeDex overnight service’s mail date as the receipt date.

Thank you very much for a quick reply. Highly appreciate it.