ICT System Test Engineer 263213 chances for NSW,Vic with 75 points + 5 points


Did anyone got an state nomination invite recently for ICT System Test Engineer 263213. I have 75points + 5 points for state nomination and 79+ in PTE.

Any chance of getting invite in the near future or is it better to get accessed through different ANZSCO code.


States send invite based on the demand in their state.

You have good chance of invite with 75 points but the the time frame is not known.

Hi Anil,

Victoria rejected my state nomination and mentioned the reason as 263213 is not currently included in the visa nomination occupation list.

Sorry to hear about the rejection.

Have you filed for 189? You may have a chance there.

263213 not eligible to apply under 189 category.

However I received state nomination from QL.

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Hey Bharat… have u applied the VISA? please update… so that it will be helpful for others…

Hi @BharatAyya1979

What is the status now. Have you accepted the QL state nomination ?
Have you applied VISA?


Hello , I have submitted my EOI on mid of December 2020 (System Test Engineer)
for 491 visa but even before all states are closed… With NAATI CCL certification I have 85 point. I saw this year totally 80k skilled visa quota has been approved by government. Can someone update the current status or chance for invitation in next 1 year.