Indian address self attested copy

In the VFS checklist, it says us to attach "indian address self attested copy ". Applicants must write last known indian address in passport application form. What is this?
I already wrote my US address in “To be printed on passport” fields and my Indian address in “other indian address field”
What is it we need to do here?
Is this different from self sworn affidavit?

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You just need to send a proof of Indian address with your own signature.

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Hello ! Thank you for replying!
I do not have a current Indian address proof. I am opting to print US address on passport and giving my parents’ address for police verification.
What address proof should I give?

Hi Navieus,

Were you able to get an answer for this ? I am also on the same situation. Could you please let me know how did you resolved this.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi, So I had emailed VFS customer care;
they replied with this
We would like to inform you that:

Sworn Affidavit for Indian Address:

Note: The last known address to be mentioned and sign the document."
This is very similar to the self sworn affidavit

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Awesome, Navieus. Thank you so much for the prompt reply. :slight_smile:

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Hi Navieus,

I’m also in the same situation. Just to clarify a few things.

  • Did you finally provide your parents’ Indian address in the self attested copy?
  • Did police verified their address (asking since it’s the other address and you don’t live there)?
  • Did you give any kind of address proof for their address? If not, were you still able to get your passport renewed?
  • Did VFS or CKGS follow-up with you on any kind of missing documentation related to the Indian address?

Thank you so much for your time and for all the help! The language and the requirements is not very concrete and there is just so much confusion for a thing that can be a FAQ on their website.

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My application was verified by VFS and is now under review at Embassy.
“Did you finally provide your parents’ Indian address in the self attested copy?”
Yes, I just provided my parents’ Indian address in the “last known Indian Address” in the self sworn affidavit.
I did not give any address proof for my Indian address ( I did not have any) and also I am just printing my US address on passport.
No police verification has yet taken place at the Indian address


Awesome! I’ll just do the same too. Thanks for the quick reply!

Hi Navieus. Did you got the self sworn affidavit notarized ? or just self signed ?

Hi @saursin13 Did you get it the self sworn notarized as in the checklist they said just “Self attested Copy”. Could you please reply as soon as possible as I planning to submit my docs today. Appreciate your help.

For self attestation, you just filled the sworn affadavit and signed at the signature column, right

Hi @N_vk, did the sworn affidavit with the sign in the signature column work for you?