Is it necessary to get the experience in format specified for all the companies?

Hi Anil,

I have around 14 year of experience and I have worked in 9 companies. I have all relevant document. But do not have in the format which you have mentioned.

So is it necessary to get the experience in format specified for all the companies, more over in some office the leads with whom I have worked,are currently left working.

Can I get the documents signed from them?

Australia PR Assessment work experience letter format

It is important to have all the work experience letters in specific format listing all your job duties.

If you cannot get the letters, your work experience will not be counted as ‘relevant’.

Co-Worker letter from Old Company

The best option is to contact old company and get the letters in the specified format.

If not, then get a co-worker letter but it is less reliable and may not be considered valid by assessment agency. It is at their discretion.

Hi Anil,
I wanted to get my skill assessment to apply for Australian PR.
I am currently serving my notice period in my company and this is my third company.
Can you please let me know the format of document that I will need from all my 3 companies.
Also, if the previous companies cannot provide the detailed letter, is there an other way? Can you please assist me with the sample document for that too?

Greatly appreciate your help!


Hi @Malini

A specific format work experience letter is required for Australia PR:

If you cannot get this letter from all your employers, then you can get a co-worker letter in this format:

Thank you .This helps!

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