Minor Correction in Father's Name

Hi -

Can anyone please help with the correct information regarding a situation that I am in.

I want to get my father’s name corrected in my passport as it currently lists his first and middle name as one word. For example, if the old passport lists father’s given name as “FIRSTMIDDLE,” but you want to update it to “FIRST MIDDLE,” were any documents other than voter id / PAN / Aadhaar / Birth Certificate were required for the change? I hope any affidavit or news paper cuttings are not required. The information provided on VFS website seems confusing and therefore wanted to clarify. Additionally I tried contacting them through email as well as phone. However, over the phone they said they don’t need any affidavit or newspaper publishing but in the email response they mentioned that it will be required.

If anyone of you has gone through this situation then can you please share your experience?

Would appreciate any insights. Thanks!

You can create a ‘multiple same name affidavit’ and send it with your application.

Sample one and same person affidavit for multiple names on education degree, passport and work experience letters. Use for Canada, Australia Visa or PR.