Hello Anil Sir ,
I have recently join infosys Mysuru Location ,i have submitted my Delhi University degree And Consolidated college attested mark sheet which is 2011-2014 batch in BSc. Physical science with computer science Course From Moti Lal Nehru College(Affiliated to DU),At that time University and my college not issue any semester wise mark sheet.
But Infosys reject my marksheet and said me to submit semester wise mark sheet(All of Six Semesters), I told them my university not issue semester wise mark sheet ,they said that give me that in written proof or any notification issued by University or ask college or Univeristy to written on letter head that they not issue semester wise marksheet only issue consolidated and degree.
Can u please suggest me what can i do in this case ,can i apply for online transcript according to this blog ,are u sure they issued semester wise marksheet because i have consolidated marksheet already .If u have any notification regarding this issue please email me i am very grateful to you.