NSW 190 Invite Address


If someone has official work location as Bangalore on all employment documents.

But is working from home in another city (home town) since covid, is it alright to give the current residence as the home town address?

This is to apply for the state nomination- iam filling the form for NSW 190.

Ps: all my ID cards have my home town address, including my credit card bills and bank statement.

For the NSW 190 state nomination application, it’s generally acceptable to provide your current residence address as your home town address, especially if you’ve been working remotely from there due to COVID-19. Make sure to explain in your application that your official work location is Bangalore, as stated in your employment documents, but due to the pandemic, you’ve been working from your home town. Include supporting documents such as your ID cards, credit card bills, and bank statements that show your home town address.