Porting of GC priority date

Hi Anil,
I have question on porting of GC priority date, basically I have priority date from Employer A is Nov 2013 EB2. I have been working for employer B for the past few years and PERM (EB2) from employer B is mostly will be approved this month. My question are

When my employer B files I-140, should i port the priority date of employer A?

What happens to priority date & I-140 with Employer A after porting to employer B?

As my priority date might become current in Aug 2025 under EB3, I wanted to go back to employer A downgrade it to EB3 and file for 485?

Could please advise on this ? Many thanks in adv.

You should port the date. Then, you can file i485 with employer A or B when the date is current.

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Thank you very much Anil. Once I port the date to employer B, later when the dates move closer on EB3 - can I still file the EB2 to EB3 downgrade with employer A and file 485?

Yes you can do that.

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Hi Anil ,
Reaching out for your kind invaluable advise here.
Now my employer is B is ready file I-140,
Should I go for EB2 or EB3? Unfortunately they don’t offer any upgrade or downgrade once it is filed.

original one from Employer A is under EB2 - Nov 13th 2013 is the priority date.

Many thanks as always for your outstanding service

Hi Anil/ Team:
Could you please advise on this ?