Query on First Name and Middle Name in ACS application

Hello everyone,

I am currently in the process of the ACS Skill Assessment. When I registered on the ACS portal, I was asked to provide my “Given Name,” “Surname,” and “Mobile Number.” I entered all the required details, and my account was successfully created.

However, after completing the identity verification, I noticed that in the “Personal Details” section, my “Given Name” was split into two parts: the first part is shown as “First Name” and the second part as “Middle Name.”

For example:
Given Name: John Smith
Surname: Joel Raj

But in the “Personal Details” section (Post account creation), it appears as:
First Name: John
Middle Name: Smith
Last Name: Joel Raj

Is this correct, or is it an issue? If it’s incorrect, could someone please guide me on how to resolve it?

It should not be an issue. Don’t worry.