Query on Statutory declarations and affidavits

Hi Everyone,
I am in the process of gathering the necessary documents for my ACS Skill Assessment. Unfortunately, my current employer is unwilling to provide a Roles and Responsibilities letter for active employees. As a result, I plan to use “Statutory Declarations and Affidavits” instead.

I understand that I can obtain this letter from a colleague, but it shouldn’t come from someone in a Junior (Junior colleague).

Here’s my situation:
I have been with my current company for 10 years and was part of the initial team that started the project. A colleague, who is willing to provide the letter, joined the company one year after me but holds a higher designation.(still he is in my company only)

My concern is whether ACS would consider him a junior colleague due to his later start date.

Could anyone offer guidance on how to approach this situation?

I think if the person has seen your work first hand OR has supervised you is the main criteria that they look for.

If he knows about your work first hand, then they can write the letter as they vouch for you if time comes to prove it.