Unable to download vfs courier label

Same for me, paid fees yesterday and got the confirmation letter, but cannot download the courier labels. The website displayed the payment as failed but the amount got deducted from the CC.

Same issue here, unable to download the courier labels after a successful payment. If anyone has any solutions, please let me know.

My payment got failed, but amount got debited from cc, Also got the confirmation letter. Unable to download the courier label. please let me know if any one is successful.

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@Abh did you get any message from VFS, is that solved your problem?

No reply yet and it’s urgent for us right
How do we proceed on this issue ??

Any thoughts ?

Nobody Answering phone also after wait of one hr it got disconnected

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Sent out a twitter message to VFS this morning, and surprisingly I am able to download the courier label just now.

I am able to download as well. try to login again from a diff browser to download yours.

which browser did you use?

It worked for me just now… :sweat: I tried in chrome…

I am able to download it as well. Chrome incognito

After the payment I got a mail regarding payment failure, but later I receive confirmation mail. Did the same thing happens to you?

Is there anyone who got the application confirmation on or before 09/08/2022, but till now unable to download courier label? Actually I have been trying for last 5days, but same error. No reply from VFS end. Completely frustrated.

I have been waiting for last 4 days; still not able to download. Got a response on twitter from VFSGlobalCare that the issue has been resolved. However, it is still not working for me.

I have got DM from customer support saying that issue was resolved. But, it is still not resolved yet.

I also got similar reply, but still not working

@Abh Hi… Is the problem solved for you?

Nope. I am calling them and the automated response is running in loop. This is pathetic.

@Abh Pls drop a msg here when the problem is solved for you.

Still not solved for me. @tamalika are you able to download the label?