US Visa Scheduling Site - Not Responding

Hi there, have anyone noticed this on the new US Visa Scheduling website? After logging in, I don’t seem to see any Notes and Instructions on the page nor any options to choose on the left side. I have tried all browsers (incognito and normal) yet I see the issue. Am I missing something here? Please advise.

Did you register using same email address as the one you used on the old website? If not, then you should. If you did and still do not see anything, then reach out to customer support.

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I was able to resolve it. In my case, I was signing up with a new email address. The reason why it didn’t show anything was because once we create a new account, we have to update our profile mandatory questions and refresh the home page. Bang! I could see everything then and was able to book an appointment for Domestic Visa Renewal.

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