An explanation from your employer on official company letterhead

Hi Anil,

One of my friend got negative ACS assessment due to following documents:

  • Insufficient evidence of payment.
  • Two types of payment evidence is required for each year of employment.
  • Evidence of employment for the deponent is not provided.
  • An explanation from your employer on official company letterhead as to why an employment reference letter cannot be provided, not uploaded.

She said she could provide first 3 documents, but for point 4, her all 3 organisations are not willing to provide an explanation.(An explanation from your employer on official company letterhead as to why an employment reference letter cannot be provided, not uploaded)

So is it mandatory to provide explanation on company letter head from employer?

Yes, its mandatory to provide explanation as per new ACS rules that came out in Dec 2019.

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What if employer is reluctant to provide explanation on company letter head, are you aware of any alternate solution for this?

@Anil.Gupta @Nakul_Rathi In September 2019 change they added a clause of providing an explanation from employer about why they canā€™t provide the letter. Then in December 2019 they made it stricter with an additional clause that the explanation from employer should be on letter head! Most major Indian MNCā€™s like TCS, Wipro, CTS, Infosys never entertain roles and responsibilities letter, Additionally, they do not even entertain a request to put this refusal explanation as well on a letter head!

I have the refusal explanation in an email and the email has the company logo etc. I also have an email saying they canā€™t provide me the refusal explanation on letter head. I wonder if this email would suffice! It is getting harder and harder day by day!

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Well said Manish. It is really difficult to convince companies in India for providing such explanations on letterhead. Most of the organisations does not provide reference letter, as it is against their policy. Not sure how to go ahead if employer is not willing to provide an explanation on letterhead.

@ anil and allā€¦is there any alternate solution?

I am not aware of any alternate solution at this time.

I have seeing ACS rejecting applications if there is even a single document missing. They are not even considering blank and white scans. They are pretty strict these days.

I will share the solution as soon as someone shares.

thanks for the replies Anilā€¦looks like ACS doesnt want folks to participate even in the PR process.

Thanks Anil. One more help pls.

My company doesnā€™t provide any employee reference letter, so Iā€™m going with Stats declaration. Iā€™ve gone through the guidelinesā€¦ mentioned below ā€œAn explanation will be required from your employer as to why an employment reference letter cannot
be provided.ā€ . Iā€™m unsure, how to get that ? is this a mandatory requirement?Please advise

Hi @Sathya_Seelan

Please read above.

Hi @manish41711ā€¦ Did your mail explanation work?

Hi , Will refusal email from company stating that they can not provide roles and responsibilities will suffice or When I send request to HR does that email should have roles mentioned? please advise.Has someone has done this in the past ?

Hi Nakul,

How did your friend managed with ACS for employer refusal letter? .Thanks.

H All,

Anyone got ACS assessment result during these days? How many days it is taking for the process in this lockdown. Any ideas?. I have submitted mine on 16th March. I have submitted all the documents and the very next day itself they have asked

An explanation/confirmation letter from your xxxxx will be required as to why an employment reference letter cannot be obtained on company letterhead. -

  • Replied to CO saying that my company is not providing any letters as such.

The declarant must provide at least one of the following as evidence of their working relationship with the applicant:

**Employment certificate/statement of service on official company letterhead
**Leaving certificate if no longer working at the same company

  • I have sent the deponent bonafide letter stating that he is working since xxx date, also few salary slips of him.

I have not received any response after that.

3 of my friends were in the same situation and they explained to CO and got the positive response.

Any idea, how long will take for my case.


I have submitted mine on 30th March and my application was for ā€˜Reviewā€™ so I got the result letter on 20th April. It depends and its assumed that all ACS personnel are working from home, so it would not matter. Keep checking your emails you will receive it within 1 month max. Even if you mail to ACS support, they will copy paste a message from the guidelines, so have patience.

What kind of explanation has your friends provided to case officer when they didnā€™t have the explanation letter from employee?
As you have mentioned that after explaning to CO, they got the positive assessment.

Can you please elaborate about explanation?
This would be really helpful, since lot of people stuck in similar kind of situation.

Hi Nakul,

Recently 4 of my friends applied for ACS. Two of them havenā€™t uploaded the letter. Even CO didnā€™t ask for it. For other guy, CO specifically asked for letter of explanation and Deponent service letter. He has submitted the email conversation and got it approved. In some cases, it is helpful, in few cases they are rejecting emails also I believe. All of them applied from Australia not sure whether anything with location specific. Another guy is waiting for the outcome.

Have your friend got ACS approval without explanation letter. Please let me know.

Many of the assessments are rejected only because of this now a days.

Hi Anil and Everyone,

I have got my skills assessment outcome. They have not considered my 2nd company as not assessable. I have written to them and got a response as follows.

Thank you for your email.
Your xxxx was not assessable as you did not provide a supporting document for the deponent who wrote your statutory declaration.

The declarant must provide their current contact details and at least one of the following as evidence of their working relationship with the applicant:

Employment certificate/statement of service on official company letterhead
Leaving certificate if no longer working at the same company

I am applying for a review. If I submit the declarant evidence then it should be suffice for Review? How the review process works ?

I have the declarant evidence bonafide certificate with his start date mentioned in that document. Also, I have his 2 latest payslips with me for submission. please advise.

Any ideas? will they consider only this missing document as an additional proof.

PS: I have submitted Stat.Declaration, and not submitted explanation letter from employer. will they expect that too additionally?

Please advise.

Hi Anil,

I have applied for ACS review with the missing deponent document which contains the employment start date. He joined on 2005 and I joined in 2011. Also, I have attached his recent payslips too. I have submitted Stat Declaration.

When I wrote back to them for the negative assessment they mention only Deponent service letter. They didnā€™t mention anything about explanation letter.

Here my question is that will they expect it during review process although they didnā€™t mention anything when I asked them the reason for negative assessment.

Please advise.

It is almost ten days after my review application filed. It will take another 2 weeks to get my result.

Normally, they ask all documents that they need in one CO contact itself.

Chances are low that they will ask for more documents.