Education details for H4-EAD on DS-160

Is education details mandatory for H4 EAD? Given that the beneficiary had worked for some time in last 5 years.

I’m confident that Education information was totally optional for H4 visa holder.

Any pointers will be helpful

H4 EAD has nothing to do with DS160.

What are you trying to do here? DS160 is for applying H4 visa and not H4 EAD.

Got it. DS-160 is for H4 visa(irrespective of EAD status). Hence filling up ‘Education’ section is not mandatory.

Thanks Anil!

I’m applying DS-160 for H4 visa holder with EAD. Adding previous employment information made me think ‘education’ might be filled as well. I had always marked this as no previously as there was not EAD then.

My question was is it ok to mark ‘Education’ as ‘No’(with EAD and some employment history)

A post was split to a new topic: H4EAD delays and employment loss