H4 EAD receiving time after status changed to New Card being produced?


We filed PP for H1 B, H4 & H4 EAD renewal on Nov 1st.

H1B got an RFE and that was taken care of. Currently the H1B case on USCIS is showing approved. For H4 the status is fingerprint review was competed.

That’s not changed since Nov 20th when i went for fingerprint. For H4 EAD, its says New Card being produced.

What does this mean? How long before i physically receive my card. Anyone has any experience to share?

Hi @heta

You can expect your H4 EAD within 1-7 days once the status on USCIS website changes to “new card is being produced”.

Hi Anil

But my H4 is not showing as processed! How does that work

H4 approval should be on the way too. Don’t worry.

Thanks !! My H4 EAD now shows this status , until this afternoon it was showing as new card produced

Hi @heta
Which service centre was ur h4ead application sent ??

2 posts were split to a new topic: H4 EAD card was sent back to USCIS as the address was incorrect