Issues with Indian Passport renewal via VFS Global

i am having problem while making payment. Its not letting me go further after creating application on VFS website.


Hello Sonal_Dhamija,

I had the same issue, when iā€™m trying to add New customer it would do nothing, does not take me to next page or anythingā€¦ I found below advise on Am22tech site , however, it did not work for me. let me know if it does for you.

Go to # Step5a from this link

#Step 5a Many people have complained that they are not able to see the ā€˜select courier serviceā€™ after adding a customer.

Try this as it worked for us:

  1. Log out and Log in again to VFS Global portal.
  2. Click the ā€˜retrieve incomplete applicationā€˜ button (blue color) given on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Use your registered email (used to register on the VFS site) and click search.
  4. You should now be able to see the ā€˜Select courierā€˜ option on the customer list screen as shown in our next step below.
  5. If you are still not able to see the ā€˜select courier serviceā€˜ option, then click the ā€˜Editā€˜ link given in the ā€˜Actionsā€˜ column next to your name list. This should show the courier service option.
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Hi folks who have submitted their passport re-issuance applications successfully as ā€œTatkalā€

Could you please update if you got any clarification from the consulate or VFS about your tatkal application?

I did receive a response from SFO consulate to my question that asks me to follow the process already available online, and that I should contact VFS with any other specifics.

I sent my documents to VFS and received an acknowledgment of receipt stating I am missing ā€œ1.OTHERā€ document in my application packet. I havenā€™t heard back from them about which document I am missing exactly. They donā€™t confirm that my application has been accepted for tatkal processing.

I am getting the message that ā€œYou application is under process at the VFS Centreā€ when I try to track my application (it works when you use the ā€œGovt Reference Numberā€ NOT the VFS reference number).

Hope this helps!

Same situation as you but they asked submit ā€œAnnexure Dā€ form apart from ā€œOTHERā€.
Not sure what is that ā€œOTHERā€ means ā€¦

The tracking application says ā€œYou application is under process at the VFS Centreā€.

I have sent an inquiry asking about what does OTHER means and how to send documents to them etcā€¦, waiting for their reply.


My passport got expired and Iā€™m not able to select an option to create an account to renew expired passport from vfs global. Has anyone faced this issue. I have contacted indian consulate and vfs global via email but Iā€™m not getting any reply from both parties.
Please suggest

I was able to complete Add Customer details but during submission of courier self address details, it is giving me Invalid Sessions. Is this happening for others as well?

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It was failing to me at the add customer step itself.

Did you try it today. The same happened to me in Saturday but it seems like Add Customer issues are resolved. Also, donā€™t put spaces in name section. This will cause invalid session in next steps

Thanks. Today Iā€™m able to add customer. But its failing at courier services for me as well with invalid session

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did anybody get a response about OTHER documents? still waiting for a reply from VFS support. One week has gone with this stupid VFS service :exploding_head: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This worked for me. Thank you! I had entered 3 names/words in the First Name field (as thatā€™s what is on my passport), but after I split those 3 into first, middle and last name, it proceeded to payment step. However, this is not how my name appears on the passport so donā€™t know what to doā€¦

I applied for minor passport renewal.
Sent Fedex on 11/11 VFS recieved it on 12/11 I got confirmaiton on 13/11.
I got

I attached notarized parents visa, but now ;looks like they need notary for kidā€™s visa as well.
Anexure D does not say we need to notarize it :slight_smile:
So nexttime anyone doing send notarized copy.
Do I have to send a covering letter or something along with these documents.

Hello Everyone,

Do they ask for Indian address proof if you donā€™t change the Indian address on the current passport ? It seems it has happened to some people on this forum.

Everyone: If you can share your experience, whether you were asked for Indian address proof if the address on passport stays same. Please do.


I have applied on same dates you have but havenā€™t received any email confirmation yet. Tracking is also not working. Which place you applied? I have applied to New York address.

applied for passport renewal for my kid on the same date under Tatkal and they received it on 11/12.
and got the below message today morning (11/13)ā€¦ i didnā€™t send notarized ANNEXURE D as it was not in their mandatory check listā€¦ I sent only notarized VISA for kid and Parents. not sure they are still processing my application or they will send query for my case also for ANNEXURE D notarizationā€¦

Did you get this message before they sent you next update on provide notary ?

ā€˜Receivedā€™ your Application and your Application is now ā€˜Under Processā€™ at ICAC in Consulate General of India, NY.update

Hi @Lakshmanakumar_Logan and @sun1

Iā€™m slightly confused by this process. Here are the details. My first name is: Protyush and last name is: Sahu

I have no middle name and that is how I have it in my current passport ( First name = Protyush, Last name = Sahu, and no middle name).

How should I fill up my name in VFS application process so that I donā€™t get the invalid key error ? If you can give screenshots I can work with that as well.

Thanks in advance

I am getting the message ā€œInvalid session, kindly initiate your application schedule/reschedule againā€ after entering the Courier Service Address . My consulate is San Fransiscoā€¦ Was any body able to complete the process ā€¦ Please help

Hi @Sabarish_Sathasivan,

I believe the trick is in how you enter your first, middle and last name. Iā€™m trying to figure that out myself.

Does any of your first, middle or last name contain more than one word ? Basically, is there a space in your first, middle or last names ?

Yes My First Name is Sankara Pillai and Last Name is Sabarish Sathasivan

I believe that might be the source of problem. Please go through this post.