Hello Anil,
I have submitted eoi for 189 and 190 Nsw & Vic in April 3rd 2019 for job code 263111
I have 70 points for 189 and for 190 70+5 points.
I have pte 65 + what are the chances for either 189 or 190 invite
Hello Anil,
I have submitted eoi for 189 and 190 Nsw & Vic in April 3rd 2019 for job code 263111
I have 70 points for 189 and for 190 70+5 points.
I have pte 65 + what are the chances for either 189 or 190 invite
Chances are low for an invite with 70 points for 263111 - Computer network and system engineer for both 189 and 190 visa.
Hello Anil,
Thanks for your reply.
I have few queries
Thanks & Regards
A post was split to a new topic: 149212 Customer Service Manager - 190 - Is there any chance with 70 points?
Hi Anil,
I have secured 75 points (Including spouse points and i am the primary applicant), filed my EOI on 30th March 70 and later have updated the EOI with additional spouse points with 5 point and it became 75) and my job code is 263111, could you please help me to understand like in which month i can expect my invitation?
Thanks & Regards,
Nitin Poddar
Hi @nitin007
What date have you achieved 75 points?
Are 75 points for 189 visa?
Updated my EOI with 75 points on 8 June, but this EOI was initially filed with 70 points on 30th March and yes it is for 189.
Hi @nitin007
The date you achieve higher points is counted and not the date you initially filed the EOI.
You can expect an invite in either Aug or Sep 2019 draw.
Thanks Anil…keep in touch
Just for assumption, let say if i get my 190 visa(Filed for NSW at 80 points) before 189 (Filed at 75 points), what should i do ?
Moreover, just to understand the timelines , after 189 invite application submission (in response to the invite received ), how much is the expected time for grant or processing time in current scenario ?
Thanks ,
Nitin Poddar
It is your choice if you want to grab 190 invite as and when you get it or wait for 189.
My suggestion is to take 190 if you get invite from NSW and wait for 189 if you get it from Victoria.
You can check the current Australia PR processing time here:
Thanks for the suggestion but I have only applied 190 for NSW.
Still want to know, after invite how much time it takes to get grant for 189?
Thanks & Regards,
Nitin Poddar
Hi @nitin007
I would appreciate if you can read the linked article to get your question’s answer.
You can ask follow up questions but first please read. It will save both your and my time.
One more Query: if I am waiting for invite for 189 then , can I change my current organization or it will impact my proceedings because acs is already done based on my current organization ??
You will have to get new ACS assessment for new employer if you want to claim points for new employer’s work experience.
You mean to say old acs will also work if I do not want to claim the points from new employer right…and my EOI will still be valid even I change my organization ?
Hello Team,
I have submitted EOI in the beginning of May 2019 for ANZSCO 263111 and then updated the points in the end of June 2019 to be 75 points.
1- What is the expected date to receive an invitation?
2- For 190 when normally the states start sending the invitations and what are the chances to be invited with 80 points?
Hi @User01
You have good chance of invitation by Oct 2019 with 75 points.
States do not share their data for invite. So, it is difficult to estimate it.
Hi Anil,
Thanks for feedback.
My wife has completed bachelor’s degree in Computer Information System but she does’t have experience. Please advice what we can do in this case if I am planned to claim spouse 5 points. Is it possible without work experiences to have ACS assessment?
Hi Anil,
I am new to this forum. Even I am in the same situation. EOI was 70 points for 189 visa on Mar’19 and updated to 75 points on July 9th. Can I expect pre-invite on Aug/Sep round? If I receive an email from skill select, what are all the documents I have to make it ready in order to upload within 14 days.